Our Products

Freshpak is the leading supplier of sandwich fillings, egg mayonnaise, dips, vegetable and fish pates and pasta salads to the UK market. Our highly creative in-house team of food developers constantly monitor the latest food trends and emerging ingredients, and develop new recipes for products to meet our customer's changing requirements.

Select a category below to view our range



Eggs have always been at the heart of our business. We’re the UK’s largest producer of hard-boiled eggs, supplying 3-4 million every week for use in chilled salads, pre-packed sandwiches and egg mayonnaise. Our products use Grade A eggs, and we work closely with our suppliers to ensure all our eggs consistently meet the strictest quality and the highest welfare and hygiene standards.

We have utilised our egg expertise to develop a unique process to produce a ready to eat poached egg with a soft runny centre. These products take the hassle out of cooking poached eggs and are being used by our customers who are serving breakfasts, sandwiches and salads.

Sandwich Fillings

Sandwich Fillings

We still lead the UK chilled sandwich fillings market we helped to create more than 30 years ago. As well as staple sandwich fillings like Egg Mayonnaise and Tuna with Sweetcorn, we offer a huge range of meat, cheese, chicken, seafood and vegetarian options. We also produce a selection of reduced fat, heatable and mayonnaise-free options.

We’re continually adding new recipes and ingredients to our range, such as our New Yorker and Spicy Falafel sandwich fillings. Our innovative approach is driven by our customers, for whom our in-house developers constantly research and create bespoke sandwich fillings to meet market needs. To learn more about our sandwich fillings range, and discuss your own particular requirements, please contact us.

Vegetable & Fish Pâtés

Vegetable & Fish Pâtés

Our chilled foods offering includes a range of fish and meat-free pâtés, with recipes including Oven Roasted Mushroom, Wensleydale and Cranberry, and Smoked Mackerel. All our vegetable and fish pâtés are available in both individual pots and delicatessen formats.



We manufacture a range of chilled mayonnaises, vinaigrettes and dressings, specifically developed for use in our own products. Alongside our traditional recipes, we also offer reduced fat and lower salt variants, and options made using only free range eggs. We also produce bespoke recipes for our customers’ own-label sandwiches, salads and other products.

We can supply Freshpak chilled mayonnaises, vinaigrettes and dressings in a variety of formats from 60g individual pots to one-tonne bulk Pallecons.



We make the complete range of chilled dips, which includes Houmous, Guacamole, Sour Cream and Chive, Onion and Garlic, Spinach, Pea and Mint. We have two dip production areas on site, one dedicated to Houmous production and one producing mayonnaise and sour cream based dips. please contact us.

Our Accreditations

BRC Food Certified
The British Sandwich Association
Members of Campden BRI
RSPCA Assured Logo
MSC Certified Sustainable Seafood
British Lion Eggs
Armed Forces Bronze
Business Partner